When I arrived here from India in 2000, I had one thing in mind, to carry on with my commitment, I was in the midst of doing my Ngondro, and then Yidam, I stayed here in retreat for 5 years before making a concious descision to go out into the world and see how I am managing it!!... It has been a surprising journey..... life has shown me many facets... one thing led to another... like it does, I found myself ofering outdoor accommodation, which became a good sourse of income and abundunce of experience putting my teaching into practice.... Generosity.... Ethics..... Patience..... Perseverence etc.... were being tested with the countless beings that I was to encounter....
However I am getting on.... very fortunate good health.... but phisically everyday tasks is becoming challenging.... I need to simplify, and also I always have this deep wish to be able to contribute to others spiritual development. I believe retreat is an essential part of it.
I am today wanting to offer these units for a much reduced affordable price to those that really want to practice and retreat.
You will see on my pages these units and their prices on my booking engine available for a minimum of 3 nights...
If you are interested, I will let you know their prices for retreat purposes
You do need to be a practitioner, that has been advised to retreat by a teacher. Minimum stay is 10 days bookable only 2 weeks in advance,
the unit will be provided clean with duvets but no sheets pillow case or towels, so you need to bring these and also the logs and kindling for the woodburner.
payment is requested at the time of booking in full via the paypal above please state your name and dates you are paying for
The retreat is not my business, so all donations through retreat goes to a separate 'box'
If you intend to retreat please do get back to me with your request [email protected] and I will respond Thank you Daphne